AlcoBloc™ Smartphone App

The AlcoBloc™ custom App is the heart of this versatile safety device. The user-friendly icon driven app has easy to follow step by step guide makes it easy for anyone to take quick and repeated tests. 

 The innovative Smartphone app connects the two robust AlcoBloc™ Bluetooth devices, the Portable Breath Tester (PBT) and robust padlock.  The padlock will only open with a negative breath test reading, no alcohol in the system.  When alcohol is detected, then the padlock will remain locked.

 All test info is sent to the secure AlcoBloc™ Data Server. Only the BT devices purchased on the website will connect to the AlcoBloc™ Smartphone app, monthly rates do apply.  Please see Store for more information.   


Purchase & Download App

The App is available for purchase in store or online. Only devices purchased at our store will connect to the app.

Begin Device Connection

Because the App will only work with devices purchased on our website, the App will scan for all authorized devices for the particular account.

Begin Testing

After is made, end user will be instructed to begin the test. They will place cell phone in 'selfie mode' so the camera on the device takes an accurate picture of them blowing into portable tester.

Our Icon Driven App, is self-guiding & allows you to take consistent breath tests

Stop Test

Once sufficient sample is taken from the breath test, the App will instruct user to stop. If insufficient breath is given, then the end user will need to redo test. This prevents test manipulation. Photo is taken once test is initiated & sent to Administrator / Parent on the account.

Wait for Results - NEG Test

If no alcohol is detected, a Negative breath result will result. End user can now access object with padlock on it. Test level results, as well as the photo and GPS location of the individual will be sent to the Administrator / Parent on the account.

Positive Results

If alcohol is detected, then the padlock will not open and remain locked. End user will not have access to the object that has been secured with the AlcoBloc™ padlock and will need to contact Administrator / Parent regarding access.