Protect Property & Lives from those under the influence of alcohol ...with AlcoBloc™

AlcoBloc™ Safety Device is your Partner in Safety

In the US, according to the National Highway Transit Safety Authority (NHTSA),
Driving while under the influence of alcohol kills a US citizen every 52 minutes.
Nearly 30 percent of total highway fatalities, equaling over 10,000 persons, over the past five years have been due to drunk driving.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Reported that:
Estimated that 2.3 billion people currently consume alcohol
283 million individuals are currently battling alcohol-use disorders
28% of the deaths reported were due to alcohol related injuries
Breath alcohol testers, also known as breathalyzers, etilometros, alcoholimetros, have been around for decades to help support alcohol safety on the roads. But a new generation of technology is now available to prevent driving under the influence, thanks to AlcoBloc™.

What is The AlcoBloc™ Safety Device? A Versatile, Economical and Easy to Use Portable Smart Phone Controlled breath alcohol (breathalyzer) safety device that can be connected to ANY vehicle, heavy equipment, storage unit, etc. This groundbreaking technology is the answer to protecting property, investments and lives from those under the influence of alcohol.
AlcoBloc™ is very easy to use and utilizes only top-grade robust components, allowing you to block access to ANYTHING inside or outside from someone under the influence of alcohol. Current technology is a car breathalyzer that is hard wired to vehicle and requires monthly maintenance at manufacturer location, AlcoBloc™ is not hard wired, it is self-owned, and there are no expensive monthly calibrations. It pays for itself in no time!
AlcoBloc™, the groundbreaking & innovative answer to take control and prevent unnecessary damage to live and property due to alcohol.

2770 ARAPAHOE RD, 132-1103
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00
Sat: 10:00 - 16:00
Sun: Closed